
人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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3人目、The Streetlamp Yamibuchi がやってきました。

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Hey, all you out there!
How are you feeling?
It's time to party now.
I'm excited about spending the next few days with you guys.
So much so that I couldn't sleep last night.
I'm just an ordinary lamp man, Yamibuchi.
You can call me Yamibuchi or Yammy, whichever you like.
(5) 2020/11/19(Thu) 12:54:07

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Hmm... Yummy, pretty yummy...

[... is yawning with the mouth wide open eating some Tongari corns on his fingertips.]
(13) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:38:43
Yamibuchiは、 is tossing a small bag of Tongari corns to Michael.
(a0) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:41:09

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>14 Nemo
Hello, Ma'am.
You look sweet, smell sweet, and, maybe, would taste sweet, you know.
(19) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:25:57

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>16 Angelot
Hi, my young girl!
What happened to you?
Don't mind me. I'm just a lamp.
I can make you light up, if you wish, though.
That's why my head is as it is.
(20) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:30:18

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>17 Corn
No problem.
There are, in effect, no Tongari corns on my fingers and thumb NOW.

>>21 Theatre
I wonder what kind of fairy tales you're going to tell.
I like light stories, since I'm a lamp. haha
Just kidding.
(43) 2020/11/19(Thu) 18:21:32

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>22 Nemo
Don't get me wrong, Ma'am.
For someone like me who has a lamp head, all he eats is just oil.
All the same, it fills me with delight to see an elegant lady like you.

>>25 Montague
Thank you for help her understand what I meant.
You're a really cool guy... or rather a good feline.
You shall have mice from my house, however you want.
(48) 2020/11/19(Thu) 18:40:34

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

I'm home, now!
Everybody, cheers!
[... takes a satisfied swig of oil.]

>>@1 hand puppets boy
I really like such kind of doll play.
On top of that, Love, one of your friends, seems to have a really good eye for men.
She is a pretty adorable cat I've ever seen.
(51) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:45:54

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>26 Theatre
I'm not an evil lamp! prpr

>>28 Angelot
When you need light in the future, here will be Yours-Truly.
I'll for good light the way you'll go on.
(53) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:56:45

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>@6 Wargo
Hey, Wargo. What's up?
What you said is really interesting.
As far as I'm concerned, feel free to say anything you want.
I'm looking forward to seeing it in the epilogue.
(54) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:05:59

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>@8 Anode
Nice to see you, too.
Although you look so colourful, are you a colour TV?
(55) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:10:01

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>@9 Wargo
Neither have I.
Let's enjoy!
(56) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:15:30

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>58 Montague
Thanks, guy.
I'll have this: (3)1d3

1. Made in Montagu 芋煮food
2. イギリスパンfood. Taste is 6 Score
3. <<ANODE>>allwho Made シャンピニオンfood.
(59) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:24:53

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Hmm... delicious.
Anode is a good cook, I suppose.
By the way, what is the champinion like?
(60) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:29:19

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>62 Harriot
Hi there!
I'd like oil paintings like van Gogh.
Do you have any recommendation?

>>64 Celeste
Are you okay?
Take them.
[... gives Celeste some Tongari corns from his fingertips after making sure that Tongari Corn is not there.]
(109) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:12:32

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>110 Montague
Hi, Montague.
Thanks for preparing meals.
I'll take this one: (1)1d4.

@ Want to talk Marron tart
A 青緑color Sandwich
B 緑みの青color Candy and Meat pie
C Japanese rice balls (4)1d6
(111) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:27:41

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

A tart is one of my favourite sweets.
Of course, I'm going to eat it up.
Hmm... Tastes good!
[... is eating a piece of marron tart sipping a cup of tea.]
(112) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:31:45

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>70 Miles
Good afternoon, Miles.
Urr... may I ask you a favour?
[... holds a few envelopes, each of which is sealed by red wax and a heart-shaped stamp.]
(114) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:46:34

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>83 Nemo
Don't be sorry, Ma'am.
You really don't have to take anything I say seriously.
Yet, I swear to speak the honest truth now.
Listen, my lady, this is it:
You are my inspiration.
I can see a world in your eye, and a heaven in your flower.
(115) 2020/11/20(Fri) 14:05:54

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>@11 T.B.
Howdy, T.B.
I just thought the bar you're holding was a flute, or whatever.
How about the pen?

The passage from >>@11 to >>85 really made me laugh.
(116) 2020/11/20(Fri) 14:13:27

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>117 Theatre
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
I hope you'll enjoy this village in the background.
(118) 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:18:03

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>@26 T.B.
Yeah, TOPPO is awful compared to everything else in the world!
By the way, do you want some POCKY?
[... takes a small box of POCKIES from his pocket.]
(119) 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:37:19

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>#16 to >>#17 Mr. Heart-eating cat
Got it.
I really appreciate your operations and directions.
(125) 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:33:46

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>126 Montague
Did you happen to take what Michael said wrongly?
I can't find any sentence where he said something about hesitation in joining the game.
(128) 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:47:54

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Well.. I thought you suggested Michael should move his seat to the background, HAKASHITA.
He has no intention of moving his seat, but was just worried whether or not there was someone who wrongly joined this village as KEMBUTSUNIN, though he was going to join as a fighter.

Yet, anyway, now I know what you meant and that everything's going to be alright.
Thank you.
(134) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:29:06

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>135 Montague
Don't worry.
On the contrary, I'd be glad if you could help me when I make a mistake.
(140) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:45:12

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Thanks for giving us topics!

■ On holidays; I can come here unless I'm asleep or doing some chores.
On weekdays; morning(seven to nine), and evening(seven to twelve).
■Not coming Time; excluding the time stated above.
(141) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:54:30

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

(144) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:59:54