
人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

I'm a villager!

I don't have enough time to reply you guys in the prologue, so I want to do it in this grey monologue space before our game starts.
(-1) 2020/11/20(Fri) 20:03:00

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

But first... for us, villagers, it's going to be a hard game, though.
9 -> 7 -> 3 -> EP.
For simplicity, I'll talking without distinguish sex so that a seeress is supposed to be seer, madwoman madman, and the like.

We can lynch people four times at most,
yet unless we kill at least two of wolves and a madman by the fourth day, we can never win the game.
Well... I have to search the theory of the ten-attendee village again, which is, for villagers, even easier than this village, though.
(-7) 2020/11/20(Fri) 20:28:14

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

* I'll talk
(-9) 2020/11/20(Fri) 20:30:31

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

I wonder whether or not I may use some terms like CO and PP that are not actual English words.
(-14) 2020/11/20(Fri) 21:19:20

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

I'm posting this at seven o'clock tomorrow morning.

*** NOTICE ***
before we have come to an agreement about it.

Especially, if you're a villager,
be careful NOT to imply that you're a villager.
(-15) 2020/11/20(Fri) 21:33:25

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>@13 Anode
You seem to be able to broadcast a lot TV programmes.
Since I'm a lamp, I love Chaplin's old film, 'City Lights.'
Could you broadcast it for me?

>>101 Theatre
I've heard a similar story as this.
It was a long time ago, so many of the details escape me, but I can remember just a rough summary:
The corn-taro, a boy born from a tongari corn, was supposed to go fighting against TOPPO fiends just a few years later, beat them up, found a ton of candies and chocolate there, and then lived a happy life.

Is this correct?
(-18) 2020/11/20(Fri) 21:58:31

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Ahh... I've written anchors the wrong way.
Does this work?
>>0:@13, >>0:101
(-19) 2020/11/20(Fri) 22:02:39

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>0:@23 T.B.
I like the idea of OMB, [laughing]
and the fact you translated Komuso to the word, Imaginary empty priest.
By the way, what does T.B. stand for?
I should have asked it in the prologue.
(-20) 2020/11/20(Fri) 22:14:11

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>0:121 Montague
Thanks. You're a great feline.

>>0:139 Nemo
You are most beautiful when you're smiling!
(-23) 2020/11/20(Fri) 22:29:42

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

I've finished preparing what I want to say tomorrow morning.
I'm going to bed after sipping a glass of wine... no, oil.
Good night, guys!
(-30) 2020/11/20(Fri) 23:56:54

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

*** NOTICE ***
  before we have come to an agreement about it.

Especially, if you're a villager, be careful NOT to imply that you're a villager.
(1) 2020/11/21(Sat) 7:00:01

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Good morning, guys!
Did you get a good sleep last night?

Okay! Here are today's topics;
■1. time to decide who should been seen by the Seer and lynched,
■2. how to select a person who the Seer will see,
■3. how and when to do COs,
■4. your favourite food.
(3) 2020/11/21(Sat) 7:01:00

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

My answer is:
□1. 11:30 pm / 00:00 am.
□2. and □3. I suggest three things below;

1. Seers and Psychics should NOT do COs today,
2. we should request Seer candidates to select the SINGLE same person today,
and 3. we all should do COs tomorrow, saying 'I'm not a Seer who knows X is a wolf' or 'I'm the Seer who knows X is a wolf.'

I think we should select a person who seems a villager better.
Of course, there may be a risk for selecting the Madman,
but it seems much more beneficial that we get a reliable villager and reduce candidates of the wolves among villagers.

□4. Fresh oil!
I'm not familiar with this village's arrangement, so that I'd be happy if you give me your opinions.
(7) 2020/11/21(Sat) 7:21:43

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>5 Nemo
Hi, Ma'am. I brought a bottle of mineral water for you.
You're beautiful, as always.

★May I ask you one question?
If we go on as you said in >>2 and >>5, until the Seer finds a wolf all we can know is only who has been attacked.
I think it's a little hard for Villagers to carry out our discussion under that condition.
How do you think about it?
(9) 2020/11/21(Sat) 7:42:34

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

I've spent reference points much more quickly than I expected.
I have no intention of being a chatterbox, though. haha
(-41) 2020/11/21(Sat) 7:50:20

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

* What do you think about it?
(-42) 2020/11/21(Sat) 8:17:06

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

(-43) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:09:51

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Ohh... well...
What the heck should we do?
(12) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:13:48

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Anyway, we still shouldn't any CO or non-CO.
(16) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:19:31

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Maybe I should have refrained from using the word 'heck'.
(-47) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:21:20

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>21 Michael
I'm so confusing, too.
I've just thought it's likely that Corn isn't a human and did the CO to make the true Seer show up.
(23) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:29:34

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

So we could go on without doing COs, and consider Corn later.
But now I found the Harriot's CO, so it's no use.
I'm 【neither the Seer nor the Psychis.】
(25) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:34:36

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>26 Michael
If Corn is true, we can anyway get the Seer results only once, right?
So it was better way to carry on supposing there is a true seer other than Corn.

Oh my goodness. My state points is melting away...
I refrain from stating for a while.
(29) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:44:09
Yamibuchiは、* statement points
(a0) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:45:57

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Oh, I really got confused to mistake 'confused' for 'confusing.' haha
(-49) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:49:39

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Though I said like >>7, now I want to select a person who seems a wolf today.

>>27 Corn
Don't worry, my friend.
Your action may be a clue about finding wolves.
☆Yeah, not doing COs on the first day needn't be the best way.
I wanted to know widely opinions of you guys in the first place.

>>30 Michael
I now got it. The CO like Harriot is a good one.
★Did you think you would encourage us to do this sort of CO?
You suggested we should complete COs / non-COs in >>21, though.
(36) 2020/11/21(Sat) 10:30:24
Yamibuchiは、* I get it now.
(a4) 2020/11/21(Sat) 10:33:03

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

I learned the ten-attendee village's strategy reading logs in Kingdom G, but it'll end in vain.
But don't mind me, Corn!
You weren't bad at all... unless you pretend to be the Seer. haha
I wonder whether or not I can beat the game just by the ability of statement.
(-60) 2020/11/21(Sat) 10:40:26

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

I just thought Michael was a boy!
(-67) 2020/11/21(Sat) 11:56:32

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>55 Celeste
★What do you think about my question to Michael(>>36)?
Even after reading his reply (>>37), I remain unconvinced a little yet.
Without this, I could believe in him.
(59) 2020/11/21(Sat) 13:04:51

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>56 Nemo
Cool Beauty!
(-80) 2020/11/21(Sat) 13:06:28
Yamibuchiは、Actions can be used only to correct typos or anchors.
(a6) 2020/11/21(Sat) 13:47:31

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

To occupy somebody = 人を占める => 人を占う, right?
(-86) 2020/11/21(Sat) 14:21:23