人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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【人】 Art dealer Harriot

【Corn is a HUMAN】


I'll sleep again.**
(9) 2020/11/23(Mon) 8:52:57

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

Why not ?
I may be THE TRUE PSYCHIC from the point of view of Montague
(Corn may be C-MADMAN from the point of view of me)

If we start PSYCHIC-ROLLER today, we should lynch Angelot today because Angelot say "Lynched Corn is BLACK "

Montague want to lynch me as if Montague is THE WOLF or C-MADMAN
I think so
(17) 2020/11/23(Mon) 12:57:06

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I think that the best is to lynch Nemo today
We don't know THE LAST WOLF from the point of view of Montague

I will vote Nemo
(19) 2020/11/23(Mon) 13:31:58

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I think that Nemo may be THE WOLF
I find who is THE TRUE SEER after Nemo lynched
(21) 2020/11/23(Mon) 13:47:13

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I think that Angelot is C-MADMAN
I think like this because THE WOLVES did not attack Montague

THE WOLVES can NOT attack probably Montague

If Montague is THE TRUE SEER or THE C-MADMAN, THE WOLVES should attack Montague

for example
Montague is TRUE:If Montague was attacked, Montague couldn't say the result of seer today
Montague is C-MADMAN:If Montague was attacked, we would believe Montague
(49) 2020/11/23(Mon) 20:02:20

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I think that Montague may be THE WOLF and Angelot may be THE C-MADMAN

I doubt Montague because Montague was NOT attacked by THE WOLVES  
(50) 2020/11/23(Mon) 20:13:30

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I think that Yamibuchi, Michael may be villagers

Yamibuchi:Yamibuchi proposed some ideas of this game
First, Yamibuchi proposed some topics for discussion 1st DAY
Second, Considering villagers' opinions, Yamibuchi decided who should be lynched
I don't know a wolf like Yamibuchi

Michael:I think that Michael's opinion>>7>>15 is a villager's opinion
I feel strong that Michael want to lynch the NOT villagers
Michael's opinion is to lynch one of THE RAD-WINDOW by 2 ropes
Michael is careful like a villager
Michael avoid wolf's PP
(53) 2020/11/23(Mon) 21:02:15

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I think like this that tha the classification of the villagers

pattern 1

pattern 2

I read again Nemo's logs
Now I think that Nemo isn't like a wolf
(56) 2020/11/23(Mon) 21:23:50

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

It's hard for the wolves not to attack the true seer
I think like this so that Montague may be a wolf

Now I think that Nemo isn't like a wolf too

I think again who should be lynched
(59) 2020/11/23(Mon) 21:47:55

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I think that Nemo isn't like a wolf because Nemo want to be lynched
If Nemo is the wolf, Nemo want to alive
(61) 2020/11/23(Mon) 22:21:16

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

It's ok
I'll vote Nemo for avoiding PP
(64) 2020/11/23(Mon) 22:48:08

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

After Nemo is lynched, I can find out who Nemo is
I will think about the village tomorrow
(69) 2020/11/23(Mon) 23:10:02