人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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2人目、Storytelling theatre がやってきました。

【人】 Storytelling theatre

Once upon a time,
there lived an old male wolf and an old female wolf.
(4) 2020/11/19(Thu) 12:43:27

【人】 Storytelling theatre

Everywerewolf has had a period of time in their youth where they put tongari corns on your fingers.
(21) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:32:46

【人】 Storytelling theatre


I know your "actual" name.
Your face is filled with mashed sweet bean paste,isn't it?
(23) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:45:57

【人】 Storytelling theatre

Oh!!!I mistaked!!!

Your friends name are "Love" and "Peace".
His friends name are "Love" and "courage"!!!

I want to enter the hole....
(24) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:48:16

【人】 Storytelling theatre

Which do you want to eat, Yabumichi or Tongari corn?
(26) 2020/11/19(Thu) 15:40:55

【人】 Storytelling theatre

 Eat Tongari Corn's face

Put Tongari Corn on our fingers

OK,I see.
(33) 2020/11/19(Thu) 16:53:22

【人】 Storytelling theatre


Are you 4K TV?
(100) 2020/11/20(Fri) 9:30:19

【人】 Storytelling theatre


Yes, they are couple.

One day the old female wolf was washing their clothes in the river when a huge corn came tumbling down the stream.
(101) 2020/11/20(Fri) 9:33:40

【人】 Storytelling theatre

I apologize to everyone.

I live in two villages in several days.
So,I change jobs from fighter to Cheer Captain.

Good Luck!
(117) 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:06:40