
人狼物語 三日月国

160 【身内ゆるがち】綿菓子の甘さかおる夏祭りの村

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【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

I thought it was yesterday if the wolf was going to attack Yoru, but why was he attacked today?

If GJ had occurred yesterday, it wouldn't have been Yoru.
(@0) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 7:22:10

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

If the wolf had been aiming to attack Yoru after executing Anka, the result of the wolf to Arthur on yesterday's board should have been quite risky.

While it is confirmed that the psychic is Spock, it is doubtful whether it can paste fake results. Is Arthur really a village man?
(@1) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 7:33:35

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

The person who wants to kill Carol doesn't worry about kicking out all the wolves, looks like a lover.
(@2) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 9:08:06

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

✨Ham-chan Kawaii✨
(@3) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 9:27:02

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

I am a proud NBA top player.

I shouldn't have shown you ashamed, I'm sorry.
(@4) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 9:31:27

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

Kawaii is justice

(@5) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 9:33:19

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

(@6) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 9:34:32

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

🐹( '-' 🐹 )Ham-chan
(@7) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 15:44:34

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン


(@8) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 16:08:16

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

oh!I spoke Japanese by mistake!

(@9) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 16:20:08

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

I think that there are no wolves in Lynn and Lutz.
(@10) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 22:30:43

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

I don't think Ran and Paul are wolves either.
(@11) desco 2022/07/09(Sat) 22:33:31

【見】 【N】NBA レブロン

(@13) desco 2022/07/10(Sun) 1:21:00