
人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael

●Nemo ○Montague

Nemo: She lets Seer to select ●. It's not good if the false Seer exists, did she know Seer 1CO?
And >>33 she is so friendly to Corn but >>38 says possibility of Madman. Her words often change. Doubtful.

Montague: He doesn't do CO/non-CO. And he is sure the true Seer is hiding.>>61>>65 Why? Does he "know" Corn is false?

I agree anything.@0
(92) 2020/11/21(Sat) 20:59:11
MILESは、I'm coming! And I'll able to get a box just a little more.
(a11) 2020/11/21(Sat) 21:14:42

【人】 Precosious Celeste

I'll be late, sorry.
(93) 2020/11/21(Sat) 21:15:20

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

●Vase Nemo ◯Precosious Celeste

Nemo:I have no idea that Nemo believes Corn at last
I have a half trust & a half doubt for Corn

Celeste: I want to know the reason why does Celeste believe Angelot
(94) 2020/11/21(Sat) 21:46:06


【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I agree with you!
I think that seer&psychic should CO before they die

★You think that THE TRUE SEER say CO?
You think that THE TRUE SEER doesn't say CO?

★If there are ANOTHER SEER in the village, should Corn and ANOTHER SEER see the same person?
(95) 2020/11/21(Sat) 22:16:56

【人】 Postman MILES

If I put my thinking together, it will be late...

Now, my hope is...
【●Michael ○Celeste】
...but leave it to the judgment of Seer.

I will write my personal impression later.
(96) 2020/11/21(Sat) 22:39:08

【人】 Vase Nemo

>>82 Yamibuchi
Thank you for your kindness.

>>86 Tongari Corn
You will see "Nemo is a human.",but villager's relief from the result.
and,if there is no result of result of Seer's skill to Nemo,villagers will lynch for uselessly.

……that is all joke.
【●Yamibuchi ◯MILES】
● Yamibuchi
There is just planed by Yamibuchi that discuss of aftter Corn's CO.
(Michael is false)Michael did CO for effect of true Psychic is going to do CO.
So,I think that Red window is Yamibuchi-Michael and C-Madman in the village.

(97) 2020/11/21(Sat) 22:43:24

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I agree with you, but I don't believe completely

Celeste and MILES are completely different

If Celeste is WOLF, MILES will be VILLAGER
If MILES is WOLF, Celeste will be VILLAGER

I think that they don't have a line each other
(98) 2020/11/21(Sat) 22:45:40

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I agree with you, but I don't believe completely

Celeste and MILES are completely different

If Celeste is WOLF, MILES will be VILLAGER
If MILES is WOLF, Celeste will be VILLAGER

I think that they don't have a line each other
(99) 2020/11/21(Sat) 22:45:42


【人】 Art dealer Harriot

I doubt Corn a little because Corn say "SEER CO"
I think that Corn is not afraid of killed by WOLF
Houwever there are 3CO, It's the most likely that Corn is TRUE SEER
I have half-confidence and half-suspicion for Corn

Angelot will kill herself and me
I think that Angelot is C-MADMAN
(100) 2020/11/21(Sat) 23:03:11



Nemoは、>>97 Michael→Harriot
(a12) 2020/11/21(Sat) 23:11:14


【人】 Precosious Celeste

If villagers ignore Psychics, we villagers aim to lynch wolves easily.
And simply, if we determine the wolf-psychic is true, at the time wolves will win.  
So I don't think there is not the wolf-psychic.

I thought Angelot is true because of her quantity of remarks, but considering public opinion of anti-rolling, it is suspicious now I think.

sorry,leave again**
(101) 2020/11/21(Sat) 23:15:23









【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

Nemo has a lot of interest in corn. Did you have any doubts about Yami?>>97&My>>1:79There is no second
that's all Follow the decision.

I'm worried because Harriot speaks a lot Good night again〆**
(102) 2020/11/21(Sat) 23:52:08

【人】 Postman MILES

I'm sorry to be late.

I am wondering...
(I'm sorry if there is something I don't understand.)

He is good in this morning.
However I want to know the reason for change him mind(>>36).
I thought it was a good idea to use a help of white pressure killings.
(This is just animosity... why did you think that I don't look who don't CO? I probably said I'm late...)

I feel him a little little uncomfortable.
That is, conversation with corn.
He is almost true. Don't have to peck so much?
... No matter that if there is a reason.
(If you can afford...★Being called "he" in >>28 is Corn?)
(103) 2020/11/22(Sun) 0:44:30

【人】 Postman MILES

Did she have to say >> 1:17?
We couldn't open the psychic first because >> 1:11 was already out.
(And I feel...what she got from >>64 question?
Why isn't it ●Nemo but ●Montague? or didn't remove Montague? at >>92...)

>>2 is good. But I think her opinion seems loose compared to Yamibuchi.
(He was listening>>9 too...)
If Seer was attacked before Seer found the wolf and CO, what should we do?
(I read >>31 but I don't understand.)
In addition, she has many mistakes.
Celeste, Michael and Harriot.....>>50>>56>>97
I wonder what is the cause of this wrong?
I think some hypotheses about it...
(>>97●Nemo?I'll give you a rope!!! .....It's a joke.)
(104) 2020/11/22(Sun) 0:44:48

【人】 Postman MILES

His footwork looks like light. For example >>43>>53.
I feel he is like a villager...but I can't be sure he's Villager.
He has a sense of lonely.
So, it is difficult to find a wolf companion from him.
I want to see him a little more.

From >>103, >>104 and above, I wanted two people who could not be seen as villagers and whose color is difficult to understand.
Nemo does not look white, but I thought we can understand her color from her relationship with others.

I want to do White crush!
So... I want to be sure that Yamibuchi and Montaigut are villagers.
(105) 2020/11/22(Sun) 0:45:30





(#4) 2020/11/22(Sun) 2:04:04

【人】 Vase Nemo

I get "THE BOX"!!

continuation of >>97
This requesting was a negative choice.
I read >>103>>104>>105,I wonder to change my requesting.
I think that we can see him by his words.

I change my request,only【●Yamibuchi】.
(106) 2020/11/22(Sun) 2:35:15

【人】 Precosious Celeste

oh,sorry,I came back too late,and too sleepy.

I'm afraid but I cannot connect "unconvinced" with "not white".
Both two ways of CO has merits,I thought.

I don't know,maybe yes?
I'm often told so.
(107) 2020/11/22(Sun) 6:04:19

【人】 Precosious Celeste

I'm sleepy,can I go bed?

Yamibuchi seems a little bit black.
His >>91 is a typical reason for suspense,I feel.
Is His scale of wolves whether searching or not?
Well, I can understand what he said,but it lacks basis a little.
(108) 2020/11/22(Sun) 6:21:49

【人】 Precosious Celeste

Many want to seer Nemo...
I don't stop it.(or anyone is OK,I think)

But he is not black, his attitude that he has no interest of grays doesn't seem like avoiding seering rather.

toooo sleepy,good night
(109) 2020/11/22(Sun) 6:29:32

【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

I fell asleep yesterday and I had been sleeping until now...

In my opinion,【●MILES ○Montague】
I'm anxious MILES doubts me (>>88) although he understand >>40.
I can't find Montague's color from his speech yet.
So, I chose them.

I think Harriot is C-Madman rather than wolf and two wolves are in gray.
(110) 2020/11/22(Sun) 6:58:31

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