

人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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【人】 Precosious Celeste

I'm sleepy,can I go bed?

Yamibuchi seems a little bit black.
His >>91 is a typical reason for suspense,I feel.
Is His scale of wolves whether searching or not?
Well, I can understand what he said,but it lacks basis a little.
(108) 2020/11/22(Sun) 6:21:49

【人】 Precosious Celeste

Many want to seer Nemo...
I don't stop it.(or anyone is OK,I think)

But he is not black, his attitude that he has no interest of grays doesn't seem like avoiding seering rather.

toooo sleepy,good night
(109) 2020/11/22(Sun) 6:29:32

【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

I fell asleep yesterday and I had been sleeping until now...

In my opinion,【●MILES ○Montague】
I'm anxious MILES doubts me (>>88) although he understand >>40.
I can't find Montague's color from his speech yet.
So, I chose them.

I think Harriot is C-Madman rather than wolf and two wolves are in gray.
(110) 2020/11/22(Sun) 6:58:31