人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

【人】 Postman MILES

>>12 Yamibuchi
I agree your upper sentence.
If there are people who can make a decisive white decision with strong grounds, we haven't run over Psychics.
But I find it difficult for us to compare Angelot and Harriot.

So we need to be prepared.
Catch two people with red windows without mistakes.

Maybe I can think so too, about Michael.
But I don't want to forget that by some chance she like only appeal.

I would like to remember that the same can be said for everyone.
With that in mind, I'm looking at everyone.

>>13 It's okay.
And that's just a silly complaints. Don't worry.

I've been waiting for a while, for more people to come.
I'll come again later**
(20) 2020/11/22(Sun) 11:28:23