人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

【人】 Postman MILES

I'm sorry to be late.

I am wondering...
(I'm sorry if there is something I don't understand.)

He is good in this morning.
However I want to know the reason for change him mind(>>36).
I thought it was a good idea to use a help of white pressure killings.
(This is just animosity... why did you think that I don't look who don't CO? I probably said I'm late...)

I feel him a little little uncomfortable.
That is, conversation with corn.
He is almost true. Don't have to peck so much?
... No matter that if there is a reason.
(If you can afford...★Being called "he" in >>28 is Corn?)
(103) Shizuku 2020/11/22(Sun) 0:44:30