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50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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【人】 Precosious Celeste

I will vote ▼Nemo.

(16) primu 2020/11/23(Mon) 12:39:15

【人】 Precosious Celeste

Who did you think would be attacked except yourself?

Yes, Micael is white.
Strictly speaking, transition >>7>>15 is white.
If he is a wolf, he looks like having no plan to win.
(20) primu 2020/11/23(Mon) 13:43:47

【人】 Precosious Celeste

Am I silent? So sorry, but I have less what I want to say than you.I wanna see next attack tomorrow.

"Have no plan to win" refers to that his selecting object of lynch is very fulid.
If he is a wolf, it's strange that he didn't decide whom to kill by lynch.
(57) primu 2020/11/23(Mon) 21:32:12

【人】 Precosious Celeste

If Montague is not attacked tomorrow:
We can narrow the suspect to one or two people in the case of Montague-truth.It's very value for us.

If montague is attacked tomorrow:
Angelot−truth→Harriot is a wolf.
Harriot-truth→Depending on his consequence.
It's very value information for us,too.

So now I don't have to think so seriously, do I ?
(58) primu 2020/11/23(Mon) 21:42:45

【人】 Precosious Celeste

ya,I agree.
So her behavior like hurrying to her death is not so white, I think.

I've set Nemo.
(67) primu 2020/11/23(Mon) 23:08:23