人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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Storytelling theatre が見物席に移動しました。

【見】 Imaginary empty priest T.B.

Hi Yamibuchi,

Do you think it's flute? No! Actually it's a long TOPPO equipped with pen!

From that point of view, the TOPPO is quite good! Filled with chocolate at the very end!
(@26) ecila 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:11:28

【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

(-59) GnothiSauton 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:13:55

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>117 Theatre
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
I hope you'll enjoy this village in the background.
(118) GnothiSauton 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:18:03

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>@26 T.B.
Yeah, TOPPO is awful compared to everything else in the world!
By the way, do you want some POCKY?
[... takes a small box of POCKIES from his pocket.]
(119) GnothiSauton 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:37:19

【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael

I was confused.
Excuse me, >>82 was wrong.
No one mistook it.

I wonder the last participant will come before 20 o'clock.
(120) Siro_neri 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:43:34

Montagueは、... Fluffy
(a6) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:07:04

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

>>115 Yamibuchi
Didn't you do your best? I hope she smiles
As a friend ... I'm full of heart.

oh......Sorry, but enjoy this village
(121) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:11:13

【独】 Cat Gentry Montague

(-60) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:11:46

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

>>120 Michael

HMM... There is a way to move the seat
Or many advertisements.Do you like this fun Village
(122) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:15:31










(#16) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:38:04






(#17) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:39:40

【独】 Cat Gentry Montague

(-61) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:44:20

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

>>Heavenly voice

OK、I'm all right Everyone is surely safe.
(123) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:46:08

【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael

>>#16 >>#17
That's okay, thank you very much.

>>122 Montague
Is there anyone can move the seat...?
Oh, yes, I'm enjoying to read your chats.
I'm not good at chatting.
I think I can talk when the debate will be started.
(124) Siro_neri 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:21:01

【独】 Pumpkin Head Michael

(-62) Siro_neri 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:21:33

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>#16 to >>#17 Mr. Heart-eating cat
Got it.
I really appreciate your operations and directions.
(125) GnothiSauton 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:33:46

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

>>124 Michael
With a visitor I hope you move your seat. Don't force it.

Impossible is not good.
(126) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:38:53

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

I'll see the lounge.

I'll be back for dinner.
(127) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:40:16

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>126 Montague
Did you happen to take what Michael said wrongly?
I can't find any sentence where he said something about hesitation in joining the game.
(128) GnothiSauton 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:47:54

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

>>128 Yamibuchi

What are you talking about
I just told Michael that I should get people together ...
What is hesitating ...? He'll be looking forward to the game and I'm looking forward to the game too
(129) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:06:59

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

Want to move the seat?So he, she? Because Michaelsaid
(席を移動する、?って?ってMichaelが云うから、>>126Just showing the idea)
(130) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:11:03

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

Me and youYou're looking forward to playing the game.
Did you understand?OK?
(131) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:12:39

【独】 Cat Gentry Montague

(-63) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:13:13

【独】 Cat Gentry Montague

(-64) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:16:51

【独】 Cat Gentry Montague

(-65) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:18:23

【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael

>>126 Montague
Excuse me, I didn't understand what you meant.
I just wondered that there was any watcher could participate in the debate.
I don't have intention of forcing anyone to do anything.
(132) Siro_neri 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:18:46

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

>>132 Michael
Of course I am the same.

I hope people increase, it's my selfish request

see you
(133) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:23:08

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Well.. I thought you suggested Michael should move his seat to the background, HAKASHITA.
He has no intention of moving his seat, but was just worried whether or not there was someone who wrongly joined this village as KEMBUTSUNIN, though he was going to join as a fighter.

Yet, anyway, now I know what you meant and that everything's going to be alright.
Thank you.
(134) GnothiSauton 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:29:06

【独】 Cat Gentry Montague

I misunderstood
I'm sorry.
And in your story, I understood. Michael's story and your story
Thank you for sharing me
Let's enjoy each other
(-66) rion22 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:37:30