人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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【見】 Birdcage Wargo

I have a question.
I'd like to study, so I intended to translate everyone's remarks in the ashes.

Is there anyone who doesn't want to be translated?
I'm not going to give any advice.
(@6) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:59:39

【見】 Birdcage Wargo

>>52 Montague
Thanks. Nice to meet you, Montague.
I’m fine.
I’m grad to meet you too.
(@7) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:03:27

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>@6 Wargo
Hey, Wargo. What's up?
What you said is really interesting.
As far as I'm concerned, feel free to say anything you want.
I'm looking forward to seeing it in the epilogue.
(54) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:05:59



Let's play
you and
(@8) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:06:26

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>@8 Anode
Nice to see you, too.
Although you look so colourful, are you a colour TV?
(55) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:10:01

【見】 Birdcage Wargo

Thank you, Yamibuchi!
I want to enjoy thi game!

However, I haven't caught up with it already!
(@9) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:12:14

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>@9 Wargo
Neither have I.
Let's enjoy!
(56) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:15:30

【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael

Good evening, everyone.

>>@6 Wargo
I don't mind.
I'm looking forward to reading your ashes.

Wow, a colorful TV!
(57) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:17:11

【人】 Cat gentry Montague

I'll take a seat for a while

Take this while you can

1Made in Montagu[[food]]
2[[food]]Taste is[[fortune]]Score
(58) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:21:20

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

>>58 Montague
Thanks, guy.
I'll have this: (3)1d3

1. Made in Montagu 芋煮food
2. イギリスパンfood. Taste is 6 Score
3. <<ANODE>>allwho Made シャンピニオンfood.
(59) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:24:53

【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi

Hmm... delicious.
Anode is a good cook, I suppose.
By the way, what is the champinion like?
(60) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:29:19

【人】 Cat gentry Montague


1Made in Montagu[[Curry rice or stew]]
2I made dinner[[KARAAGE Bento or omelet]]
3 [[fortune]]ScoresHamburg

Sorry. Here
(61) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:31:35
Montagueは、And come again
(a5) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:32:21

12人目、Art dealer Harriot がやってきました。

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

Good evening !

Do you purchase some works of art?
(62) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:33:24

【見】 Birdcage Wargo

>>57 Michael
Thank you, Mick!
I want to translate with joy🥳
(@10) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:41:09

【人】 Cat gentry Montague

>>62 Harriot
Hey, Harriot
Is it a business again? Your painting will sell. I'm enthusiastic.

Ah, we have rice. Eat up>>61
(63) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:52:42
13人目、Precosious Celeste がやってきました。

【人】 Precosious Celeste

I'm starving, something sweet plz
(64) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:53:19

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

>>4 Storytelling theatre
Did two wolves love each other?

>>5 Yamibuchi
I'm excited about this game!
Let's have a good game.

>>6 Tongari Corn
You are unique!
We kill the wolves in village,don't we?
(65) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:55:08

【人】 Cat gentry Montague

>>@6 Wurgo
Yes, I hope.Looking forward to it
[[DoughnutorPetit cake]]Recommended!
(66) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:56:15

【人】 Cat gentry Montague

Good eveningCeleste
Well、I am Montagu
(67) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:59:07

【人】 Tongari Corn

Do you know that the wolf's claws are sharp?
That is Tongari Corn
(68) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:03:26

【人】 Cat gentry Montague

>>68 Tongari
What do you mean?tongari [laughing]
(69) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:12:51
14人目、Postman MILES がやってきました。

【人】 Postman MILES

Hello,every one.....
(I'm already tired to read this sentence.)

I'm MILES. My job is a postman.
Have you got a mail? Have you sent a mail?
I'll deliver the letter to anyone.
Apply for any letter.
[MILES's finger is decorated the TONGARI CORN.....]

Let's enjoy life in this village together!
(70) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:13:03

【人】 Precosious Celeste

Ya, good evening Mr... or Ms...?

Wow, If they are such cute wolves, I wanna see them.
(71) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:14:24

【人】 Precosious Celeste

oh he is a wolf.
Let's lynch him now.[giggle]
(72) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:17:20

【人】 Cat gentry Montague

>>71 Celeste
Oh, I'm a gentlemanI'm sorry for a minute
>>70 Mile
Mars……?Gentleman MontagueWell
(73) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:19:01

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

Are you one of the wolf in the village?

Your fingers is joke,is't it?
(74) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:23:04

【人】 Art dealer Harriot

>>17 LOL
(75) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:36:56