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50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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(a6) 2020/11/23(Mon) 23:35:19

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

It is undeniable that corn is a C madman. But I believe in Angelot
Harriot performed the mirror of Janus. Two CO. It seems to protect Seer, but it should have been CO yesterday if it wasn't information to the village and "to protect".
(73) 2020/11/23(Mon) 23:45:06

【人】 Cat Gentry Montague

>>57 Celeste
Thank you for the answer
It may have been locked. Pumpkin
【SetComplete】Good night**
(74) 2020/11/23(Mon) 23:53:53

【人】 Vase Nemo

There are left 2 ropes.
Use one : LW
Use one : false Psychic

You cannot mistake any more.
Please,support Montague.

Good night and see you again.
(75) 2020/11/24(Tue) 0:07:08