人狼物語 三日月国

50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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【人】 Vase Nemo

Good Mornig? Bad Morning?
I'm afraid of the rumor that there are some werewolves in this village...

There is no Hunter.
So,we should not do "CO" own role.

If Seer detects a WEREWOLF,
he has to annouece that who is a werewolf.
(2) 2020/11/21(Sat) 7:00:48

【人】 Vase Nemo

>>0:136 The topic by Montage
■Time to come
Tomorrow:almost all day

■Not comingTime
23th Morning
and...I'm afraid to get up so late...

I'm so sleepy…so,I back to the bed...
(4) 2020/11/21(Sat) 7:02:03

【人】 Vase Nemo

>>3 Yamibuchi,thank you for proposing topics.

■1. time to decide

■2. how to select
I leave it to Seer.
because,there are 3 not human.
so,majority vote is advantage for "red window"team.

■3. how and when to do COs,

■4. your favourite food.
(5) 2020/11/21(Sat) 7:11:01

【人】 Vase Nemo

Oh...do you want to being eaten by wolves?

Sorry,Yamibuchi... >>9
You had a good question,
but I missed a opportunity to answer your question.
(31) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:56:24

【人】 Vase Nemo

Sorry,I was upset...I'm embarrassed.

Okay,I understand.>>18 >>19 Tongari Corn
Let's detect and lynch wolves togetter!
(33) 2020/11/21(Sat) 10:02:47

【人】 Vase Nemo

【I'm not SEER and not PSYCHIC.】
I watched >>32.

Harriot,are you whether Seer or Psychic?
★Why did you announce either Seer or Psychic?
(34) 2020/11/21(Sat) 10:09:56
Nemoは、>>34 did you→ did not you
(a3) 2020/11/21(Sat) 10:11:26

【人】 Vase Nemo

>>35 Tongari Corn
I want to trust you.
But,I think that there is a possibility that you are Murder.
If you are Murder,wolves will attack you.
We will trust your false result of skill.

>>37 Michael
It's a good opinion of your answer to Yamibuchi.
I didn't realise that...
(38) 2020/11/21(Sat) 11:26:15

【人】 Vase Nemo

hmm...I think it will 1-2.
Because,there is "C-Murder" and "no Hunter".
"Red window"team dosn't need to "two exposures".

Wolves will attack Corn on 2day night,
and we can only one result of his skill.
(48) 2020/11/21(Sat) 12:28:07

【人】 Vase Nemo

I saw it... >>46

I agree >>49
(50) 2020/11/21(Sat) 12:30:39

【人】 Vase Nemo

I had two wrongs...

One:>>52 Michael's mention is correct.

Two:>>54 I misstook Celeste >>46 for Michael.

I'm going to cool my head...
(56) 2020/11/21(Sat) 12:59:53

【人】 Vase Nemo

One Punch!!

☆Sorry, I forgot ☆on>>38
I thought that you are a lair,but I wanted to trust you.
I think trusting each other is important on the game of werewolf.

Is this not answer?

There is possibility that Michael is Seer in >>38
So,I decide Seer's authenticity.
But now,the formation is 1-2.I trust you.
(78) 2020/11/21(Sat) 17:46:38
Nemoは、>>78 2nd line from the bottom:I decide→I didn't decide
(a8) 2020/11/21(Sat) 17:49:10

【人】 Vase Nemo

>>82 Yamibuchi
Thank you for your kindness.

>>86 Tongari Corn
You will see "Nemo is a human.",but villager's relief from the result.
and,if there is no result of result of Seer's skill to Nemo,villagers will lynch for uselessly.

……that is all joke.
【●Yamibuchi ◯MILES】
● Yamibuchi
There is just planed by Yamibuchi that discuss of aftter Corn's CO.
(Michael is false)Michael did CO for effect of true Psychic is going to do CO.
So,I think that Red window is Yamibuchi-Michael and C-Madman in the village.

(97) 2020/11/21(Sat) 22:43:24
Nemoは、>>97 Michael→Harriot
(a12) 2020/11/21(Sat) 23:11:14

【人】 Vase Nemo

I get "THE BOX"!!

continuation of >>97
This requesting was a negative choice.
I read >>103>>104>>105,I wonder to change my requesting.
I think that we can see him by his words.

I change my request,only【●Yamibuchi】.
(106) 2020/11/22(Sun) 2:35:15