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50 【推理ありネタ村】英語村

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【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

G-good morning.

■1. 23:00-24:00
■2. Now I'm thinking ... I'll say it later.
I think this point of view >>9 is good.
■3. I agree to >>7.
■4. marshmallows

The time when I'm seated is irregular.

Oh ... I saw >>11.
I'm very c-confused and I wonder if we should do any COs ...
(24) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:32:56

【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

I understood >>21 and >>26.
【Psychic CO】

Michael and Yamibuchi seem to have no line,
but I don't completely deny both of them are wolves and they act as if they don't have the red window ...

If Corn is false, Michael is blacker and Yamibuchi is whiter.
(32) 2020/11/21(Sat) 9:56:42
Angelotは、the top of >>32, "I understand" is correct ...
(a2) 2020/11/21(Sat) 10:07:59

【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

>>37 Michael
Sorry, at that time I didn't read >>30 and didn't think about the merit of the way to come out like Harriot.
Now I grasp I should have done so.

I suspected there is a line between Corn and Michael in >>32,
but if it is the truth, it is unaccountable that she said Harriot is good (= she increased Harriot's trust).
So, I think the suspicion of Corn-Michael line became a little less.
(40) 2020/11/21(Sat) 11:53:01

【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

I read >>41.
I assumed Harriot was a Seer.

I see, there is no hunter so after the true Seer came out, wolves don't need to pretend to be a Seer.

OK. I'll do my best in order to be recognized the true Psychic.
That's because the number of surplus ropes in this village is only one.
(44) 2020/11/21(Sat) 12:12:34

【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

Hello, Celeste.
Actually I'm a little annoyed with >>43, but the main point of >>42 is certainly right.
He is a bit white.

And I'm glad about >>46, but...
★Why do you think so?
(51) 2020/11/21(Sat) 12:31:54

【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

>>50 Nemo
Seer CO: Corn >>11
Psychic CO: Angelot >>32, Harriot >>41
It's still 1-2, not 1-1.

This misunderstanding seems a villager's viewpoint.
Michael's speech >>45 >>47 seems also difficult for a wolf who decided to make 1-2.
(54) 2020/11/21(Sat) 12:43:32

【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

>>53 Celeste
I see.
Maybe my way of asking was bad...
★Why do you think I'm true?

With this question, I want to check if you are a wolf who want to be liked by me.

I'm leaving my seat for a while.**
(58) 2020/11/21(Sat) 13:01:25

【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

I saw >>57.
☆I'm not sure the form must be 1-2.
If the form will be 1-2, you'll become whiter.
If not, it's not necessarily right.**
(60) 2020/11/21(Sat) 13:08:52

【人】 Shy Girl Angelot

I fell asleep yesterday and I had been sleeping until now...

In my opinion,【●MILES ○Montague】
I'm anxious MILES doubts me (>>88) although he understand >>40.
I can't find Montague's color from his speech yet.
So, I chose them.

I think Harriot is C-Madman rather than wolf and two wolves are in gray.
(110) 2020/11/22(Sun) 6:58:31