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Montagueは、... Fluffy (a6) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:07:04 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague>>115 Yamibuchi Didn't you do your best? I hope she smiles As a friend ... I'm full of heart. >>Theater oh......Sorry, but enjoy this village (121) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:11:13 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague>>120 Michael HMM... There is a way to move the seat Or many advertisements.Do you like this fun Village (122) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:15:31 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)ピンポンパンポン〜♪ 【業務連絡】 いくつかお知らせがあります。 ・投票を間違えて無記名投票に設定してしまっていたので、記名投票に直しました。 ・1名事情により見学席に移動されましたので地上はダミー含め11人となりますが、万が一このまま地上最後の1人が入村されない場合でも、予定通り20時に村を開始したいと思います。その場合当初の予定より人数が大幅に変わってしまい申し訳ありません。 なお、この際役職内訳は ※ダミー含め地上11人時: ダミー、村×4、占、霊、狩、狼×2、C国狂人 ※ダミー含め地上10人時: ダミー、村×4、占、霊、狼×2、C国狂人 となります。 (#16) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:38:04 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)【業務連絡続き】 ・地上への入村が間に合わない方が出た場合、村開始後でも見学として参加できますので、本戦が始まってから参加者が増えても驚かないで下さい(増えた参加者は見学者です)。 ・本日20時村開始ですが、三日月国では更新時間以外では手動での開始になることに気付いていませんでした。ですので開始時間が若干前後する可能性がありますので、その点ご了承下さい(明日7時まで沈黙時間なので影響は無いと思いますが)。 以上、混乱を招いて申し訳ありませんが、よろしくお願いします。 それでは開始までもう少々お待ちください。 (#17) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:39:40 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague>>Heavenly voice OK、I'm all right Everyone is surely safe. (123) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:46:08 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael>>#16 >>#17 That's okay, thank you very much. >>122 Montague Is there anyone can move the seat...? Oh, yes, I'm enjoying to read your chats. I'm not good at chatting. I think I can talk when the debate will be started. (124) 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:21:01 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi (125) 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:33:46 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague (126) 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:38:53 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>126 Montague Did you happen to take what Michael said wrongly? I can't find any sentence where he said something about hesitation in joining the game. (128) 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:47:54 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueReturned >>128 Yamibuchi What are you talking about I just told Michael that I should get people together ... What is hesitating ...? He'll be looking forward to the game and I'm looking forward to the game too (129) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:06:59 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueWant to move the seat?So he, she? Because Michaelsaid (席を移動する、?って?ってMichaelが云うから、>>126Just showing the idea) /*プロエピはOKらしいので悪しからず*/ (130) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:11:03 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueMe and youYou're looking forward to playing the game. Did you understand?OK? (131) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:12:39 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael>>126 Montague Excuse me, I didn't understand what you meant. I just wondered that there was any watcher could participate in the debate. I don't have intention of forcing anyone to do anything. (132) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:18:46 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague (133) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:23:08 |
【人】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiWell.. I thought you suggested Michael should move his seat to the background, HAKASHITA. He has no intention of moving his seat, but was just worried whether or not there was someone who wrongly joined this village as KEMBUTSUNIN, though he was going to join as a fighter. Yet, anyway, now I know what you meant and that everything's going to be alright. Thank you. (134) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:29:06 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueI misunderstood I'm sorry. And in your story, I understood. Michael's story and your story Thank you for sharing me Let's enjoy each other Sorry、andThank you for everyone (135) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:39:06 |
Montagueは、See you later** (a7) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:47:47 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueLater I'll tell you the time to come ■Time to come ■Not comingTime I'll keep your letter. Freely (136) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:58:49 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueAnswer me. □Time to come →Morning、Until 9 Lunch time 13ー14 Evening Until 17 It is 24 o'clock at night □Not coming 2 hours from 9 pm on November25 (137) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:16:24 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueIf you don't understandIf you listen, I will answer** (138) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:17:26 |
Montagueは、See you later** (a8) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:17:48 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi (140) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:45:12 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>136 Thanks for giving us topics! ■ On holidays; I can come here unless I'm asleep or doing some chores. On weekdays; morning(seven to nine), and evening(seven to twelve). ■Not coming Time; excluding the time stated above. (141) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:54:30 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague (142) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:58:02 |
【人】 Shy Girl AngelotS-some people came while I wasn't seated. Nice to meet you. Let's enjoy! (143) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:59:12 |