情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目 5日目 エピローグ 終了 / 最新
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [メモ/メモ履歴] / 発言欄へ
【人】 House Master Hack'ohWelcome to the village of Werewolf! I hope you can enjoy the life in English! (0) 2020/11/18(Wed) 23:13:24 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)【英語村へようこそ!】 さあさあ、みんな寄ってらっしゃい見てらっしゃい ここが噂の英語村だよ! 普段使わない言葉でどれだけコミュニケーションが取れるか、頭の体操だと思って気楽に楽しんで欲しいな! エピまでどうぞよろしく! (#0) 2020/11/18(Wed) 23:35:19 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)村企画Wikiにも書いてあるけど、もう一度ローカルルールを説明するね。 English Only また、英語を使用するため、 名前は入村後肩書と一緒に英語に変更 プロローグ及びエピローグでは白ログ(表喉)で日本語も可とします。 Make efforts to win (#1) 2020/11/18(Wed) 23:42:59 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)No dirty slang Be cool Novice English speakers are welcome (#2) 2020/11/18(Wed) 23:44:32 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)Free to utilize dictionaries (#3) 2020/11/18(Wed) 23:45:12 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)心構え 英語の理解度には各個人ごとに差があることを理解して下さい。他人の英語力を不当に貶めること(こんな文章も分からないのか等と罵る等)を禁止します。推理・考察力についても同様です。 英語に堪能な方は文法の間違いの指摘やこうしたほうがいいなどのアドバイスをしたくなるかもしれませんが、基本的に相手に意図が伝わればいいと思っているので、相手から望まれない限りは控えて下さい。 もちろん相手の真意を測るための質問は問題ありません。 例: ×:Your question is not grammatically correct. You should say like "..." rather than "..." ○:Do you mean "..."? What is your aim to ask the question? (#4) 2020/11/18(Wed) 23:48:42 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)逆にこうしたほうがいいのではなどのアドバイスなどを積極的に欲しい方は、その旨を村内に周知できる方法を考えています(例えば簡易メモにアドバイスの要不要を記載する等) その際、アドバイスをする方は相手に対し敬意と愛を持って行ってください。 (#5) 2020/11/18(Wed) 23:48:56 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)Act・秘話・メモの使用について actは誤字脱字やアンカーの訂正のみ使用可能とします。 秘話はありません。 メモはアンカーまとめ、票集計、白ログに出した発言の再掲のみ利用可能とします。 白ログの喉が尽きたから代わりに使う、などのご使用はご遠慮ください。 (#6) 2020/11/18(Wed) 23:54:24 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)その他村企画Wikiに書けなかった項目 ・アンケートの結果、役職希望は有効となりました。 ・投票は無記名投票とします。 ・役職の言い換えは以下を参考にして下さい。ただし、これ以外のものの使用を禁じるものではありません: 処刑(する):lynch(ing) 襲撃:attack 投票:vote 村人:Villager 狂人:Madman 予言者:Seer 霊媒師:Psychic 狩人:Hunter ・喉は500pt、囁きが1,000pt、墓下は無制限です。飴はありません。 (#7) 2020/11/18(Wed) 23:56:17 |
【人】 Housemaid RutlandHi, there! I'm here to check the village settings. Let me see... (1) 2020/11/19(Thu) 0:03:02 |
【人】 Housemaid RutlandNo secret conversation: checked No candy: checked Simplified memo: activated Change of name/title: permitted (2) 2020/11/19(Thu) 0:19:31 |
【人】 Housemaid RutlandSeems all green. OK, I'm gonna leave now. See you soon! Good luck! (3) 2020/11/19(Thu) 0:21:55 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)大変長らくお待たせいたしました。これから入村を解禁します。 村の中で解決できないような困ったことが起きた場合は、三日月国本領域の雑談村「【まったり】遊び場【しましょ】」 http://www.moonpupa.jp...#newsay に、見物人「 泡沫50村 英語村村建て トオル それでは皆さん楽しいひと時を! Have fun! (#8) 2020/11/19(Thu) 12:31:39 |
【人】 Storytelling theatreOnce upon a time, there lived an old male wolf and an old female wolf. (4) 2020/11/19(Thu) 12:43:27 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)役職配分ですが、人狼BBS C国となります: http://moonpupa.webcrow.jp...#u81e73aa 現在地上はダミー含めて12人ですので、内訳は 村×5、占、霊、狩、狼×2、C国狂人 です。 (#9) 2020/11/19(Thu) 12:50:38 |
【人】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiHey, all you out there! How are you feeling? It's time to party now. I'm excited about spending the next few days with you guys. So much so that I couldn't sleep last night. I'm just an ordinary lamp man, Yamibuchi. You can call me Yamibuchi or Yammy, whichever you like. Thanks. (5) 2020/11/19(Thu) 12:54:07 |
【人】 Tongari CornHELLO! I am Tongari Corn! I came to this village to kill the person who puts Tongari Corn on finger. (6) 2020/11/19(Thu) 12:54:58 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (8) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:10:30 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head MichaelTrick or treat... Oh, Halloween has been over!? My god...!! (9) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:11:16 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael (10) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:16:35 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague>>9 Michael Hello Halloween is over, but something seems to start. Candy and cookieWhich is better? Pick it up.[[CandyorCookie]] (11) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:20:00 |
【人】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiHmm... Yummy, pretty yummy... [... is yawning with the mouth wide open eating some Tongari corns on his fingertips.] (13) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:38:43 |
Yamibuchiは、 is tossing a small bag of Tongari corns to Michael. (a0) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:41:09 |
【人】 Vase NemoHi! My head is goooood fragrance. Do you want to try smelling? (14) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:44:28 |
Montagueは、I returned here (a1) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:48:32 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (15) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:52:24 |
Montagueは、Hesitate* * (a2) 2020/11/19(Thu) 13:54:11 |
【独】 Shy Girl AngelotOh... 瑞洋館ならモンタギューでイギリス英語と猫訛り(good meow-ningとか言っちゃったりする)盛り盛りでやりたいなと思ってたんだけど、 入村時の発言全然考えてなくて入村解禁してからうんうん考えてる間にモンタギュー入っちゃった そしてその次にミッチェルにしようかなと思ってたらミッチェルも入っちゃった (-6) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:04:05 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (18) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:09:34 |
【独】 Shy Girl Angelotほらさ 英語っていわゆる役割語とかほとんどなくて(いや私が知らないだけでありはするんだろうけど それでも日本語よりは確実に少ないよね…?)RPに口調的な幅もたせにくいからさ なんか特徴つけるにはmeow meow言うしかないかなと思ってね… というのが4割 あと6割は単純にモンタギュー好きだからやりたかった んまあでもじぶんがモンタギューやっても紳士的でない上に英語力も推理力もぽんこつなのができあがっちゃうの目に見えてるし ひとのモンタギュー拝めていいぞ…と思っているので大丈夫ですお気づかいなく そしてアンゼロットちゃんも完全に好きなタイプの幼女ですので、かえってよかったな!になっている (-9) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:12:10 |
【独】 Shy Girl Angelotactだけ「は、」が混じるのウケるんだよな ていうかまだプロローグなのにみんなめっちゃ英語喋るじゃん ひ〜〜〜〜頭爆発するが いや!楽しみます 英語楽しみに来たんだから (-11) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:13:48 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi (19) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:25:57 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>16 Angelot Hi, my young girl! What happened to you? Don't mind me. I'm just a lamp. I can make you light up, if you wish, though. That's why my head is as it is. (20) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:30:18 |
【人】 Storytelling theatreEverywerewolf has had a period of time in their youth where they put tongari corns on your fingers. (21) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:32:46 |
【人】 Storytelling theatre (23) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:45:57 |
【人】 Storytelling theatreOh!!!I mistaked!!! Your friends name are "Love" and "Peace". His friends name are "Love" and "courage"!!! I want to enter the hole.... (24) 2020/11/19(Thu) 14:48:16 |
【見】 hand puppets boyLove: Yamibuchi, he is so talkative! And so handsome! I might feel crush on him... Peace: what?! He doesn’t have a face!! Uummmm, I think tongari corn is more better... Love: tongari corn???! NO WAY!!!!!! Peace: sorry tongari corn, not my fault. Even though we have never talked, you broke up with Love. By the way, I think storytelling guy is nice, don’t you Love: yeah, he misunderstood about our name but you don’t have to be shamed tho. We don’t eat you. (@1) 2020/11/19(Thu) 15:10:30 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (25) 2020/11/19(Thu) 15:11:18 |
【人】 Storytelling theatre★ALL Which do you want to eat, Yabumichi or Tongari corn? (26) 2020/11/19(Thu) 15:40:55 |
【人】 Shy Girl Angelot>>18 Montague ... A cat? [... is gazing at him with interest but is hesitating to get closer to him.] W-well, c-can I believe you are gentle to me? Y-you are not a very scary w-w-werewolf ... are you? (27) 2020/11/19(Thu) 16:19:08 |
【人】 Shy Girl Angelot>>20 Yamibuchi You are a lamp? It's w-wonderful. Light calms me down and makes me relieved. So, I like light and, of course, you. T-thank you. (28) 2020/11/19(Thu) 16:30:33 |
【見】 hand puppets boyAm I an only person who don’t participate in the game??? Where’s other people?? (@2) 2020/11/19(Thu) 16:48:44 |
【人】 Shy Girl Angelot>>24 Theatre H-he >>@0 doesn't seem to give a piece of his f-face, but it may be safe to e-eat Tongari Corn's face or Nemo's one ... S-s-sorry! I really won't e-eat them nor you all! (31) 2020/11/19(Thu) 16:48:48 |
Montagueは、Come back (a3) 2020/11/19(Thu) 16:52:21 |
【人】 Storytelling theatreOK Eat Tongari Corn's face BAD Put Tongari Corn on our fingers OK,I see. (33) 2020/11/19(Thu) 16:53:22 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague>>27 Angelot [In a respectful manner] Of course[Smiling] Little lady I'm not a scary wolf Which one do you like? [Cookie、Showing candy] (34) 2020/11/19(Thu) 16:57:56 |
【人】 Shy Girl Angelot>>29 Tongari Corn ... R-really? You want us to eat yourself, d-don't you? Then, I'm a little i-interested to try eating you. A little bit ... (35) 2020/11/19(Thu) 16:58:50 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)【お知らせ】 簡易メモですが、この村では村企画Wikiで少し書いたように英語に関するアドバイスを受けたいかどうかの意思表示のためだけに使う事とします。 もし自分の英語の文法など使い方に関してアドバイスが欲しい方は「WANT ADV」と簡易メモに設定して下さい。 参加されている皆様におかれましては、簡易メモに「WANT ADV」と書かれていない方に対する英語のアドバイスは、基本的に独り言でも避けて頂くようお願い致します。 なお、アドバイスをする方は相手に対し敬意と愛を持って行ってください。 (#10) 2020/11/19(Thu) 17:08:07 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)ちなみに、この国のTOPページにある『人狼物語 三日月国を便利に使いたい方へ』をクリックするといくつか便利な機能があります。 字を大きくしたり色を付けたりしたい方は、この中の「文字修飾ボタン表示」をクリックしてから村に入りなおすと(下の方の「募集中/開始待ち」から「【推理ありネタ村】英語村」をクリック;ブラウザの戻るではダメです)、セリフで文字修飾できるようになります(Twitterのリンクから入村した人は既にオンになってるかもしれません)。 使い方はこちらを参照してください: http://moonpupa.webcrow.jp...#wb863888 TOPページの「人狼物語 三日月国へ初めてお越しの方へ」も該当する人は見ておいて下さい。国ルールが書いてあります。 (#11) 2020/11/19(Thu) 17:09:48 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)この村の開始は20日20時ですが、狼陣営の相談のために翌21日7時まで沈黙時間とし、その間表窓での発言を禁止とします(狼及び墓下の発言は可能です)。システム的に発言をできないようにしているわけではないので、間違って表で発言しないようご注意ください。 なお、更新時間が7時のため、開始後24時間が経つ21日20時には一旦喉が補充されてしまいます。 地上の皆様におかれましては、21日20時以降この補充された喉は使わないようにして下さい(表喉は500pt、狼の囁き窓は1,000pt残して22日7時の更新をお迎え下さい)。 (#12) 2020/11/19(Thu) 17:11:04 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)最後に、一点村建て時の情報より訂正があります。墓下は喉無制限のつもりでしたが、できないようなので墓下発言(見物人)を1,000ptとしました。ご了承ください。 (#13) 2020/11/19(Thu) 17:12:06 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (38) 2020/11/19(Thu) 17:16:18 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague>>#12 Heavenly voice That also understood. Thank you very much (39) 2020/11/19(Thu) 17:18:54 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague>>37 Mr.Tongari [Hahaha……With one's mouth shutLaughing] Unique paper bag!!Interesting. But Don't be afraidAsk me. Okay? (41) 2020/11/19(Thu) 17:23:34 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (42) 2020/11/19(Thu) 17:25:45 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>17 Corn No problem. There are, in effect, no Tongari corns on my fingers and thumb NOW. >>21 Theatre I wonder what kind of fairy tales you're going to tell. I like light stories, since I'm a lamp. haha Just kidding. (43) 2020/11/19(Thu) 18:21:32 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head MichaelMmm... is there Anko-Bread Man? >>11 Montague Wow, thank you, gentleman! Cookie, please! >>a0 Yamibuchi [I catched it and start eating simply.] Tongari corns! I never put them on my fingers...! >>26 theatre ☆I think Tongari Corn will taste good. >>@2 puppets boy I'm human, too! This head is a hat made from a large pumpkin. (44) 2020/11/19(Thu) 18:24:21 |
【人】 Shy Girl Angelot>>34 Montague Okay, I b-believe in you. [... came near Montague.] I'm sorry to suspect you are a wolf. It was because I was anxious about rumors of werewolves and ... sad that my parents were killed by them several days ago ... [like ... is talking to herself] O-oh, no. Sorry. Thank you for candy! Y-you are just a gentleman ... or a gentlecat! [... ate candy happily.] (45) 2020/11/19(Thu) 18:26:05 |
【独】 Shy Girl Angelot手癖で親無惨死体設定生やしちゃった…☆ これで狼引いたらアンゼが自覚なく親噛んじゃってる激好み展開になるので、狼引きたいです! というかふつうに狼やりたい気分なので狼やりたいです(でもおまかせ陣営なのでおまかせ) (-16) 2020/11/19(Thu) 18:29:45 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (46) 2020/11/19(Thu) 18:36:08 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael>>#10 >>#12 >>#13 Notice Okay, I understand. Is there werewolves in this village? Certainly, this village is named "Werewolf"...>>0 (47) 2020/11/19(Thu) 18:37:15 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>22 Nemo Don't get me wrong, Ma'am. For someone like me who has a lamp head, all he eats is just oil. All the same, it fills me with delight to see an elegant lady like you. >>25 Montague Thank you for help her understand what I meant. You're a really cool guy... or rather a good feline. You shall have mice from my house, however you want. (48) 2020/11/19(Thu) 18:40:34 |
【人】 Shy Girl Angelot>>37 Tongari Corn Oh, i-it seems no problem eating you! Now, let's eat ... [... picked the tip of his face and ate it.] ... I-it's completely the same as usual Tongari Corn! (49) 2020/11/19(Thu) 18:51:18 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague>>48 Yami Okay, don't worry, Yamibuti She is very gorgeous. You are a good lamp too. It's a good guy [With a smile] (50) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:02:46 |
【独】 Cat gentry Montague処刑(する):lynch(ing) 襲撃:attack 投票:vote 村人:Villager 狂人:Madman 予言者:Seer 霊媒師:Psychic 狩人:Hunter 覚えないと (-18) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:07:36 |
【独】 Shy Girl Angelot私マジでアドバイスなんぞできるほどの者ではないと思うし合ってるかわからないんですけども(予防線はりはり) アドバイス募集しているネーモにひとつ言いたいなと思ったのが、 >>14は head = fragrance ではないと思うので isをhasにする、もしくはgood fragranceをvery fragrantに変えるなどするとよりよいのではないかと思いました ちょっとこのタイミングで遡って指摘はしづらいので灰に埋め埋め (-19) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:18:07 |
【見】 ERECTORIC BOX ANODEGA-GA-GA HI,BOYS AND GIRLS! I'm anode! nice to meet you! (@4) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:38:14 |
【人】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiI'm home, now! Everybody, cheers! [... takes a satisfied swig of oil.] >>@1 hand puppets boy I really like such kind of doll play. On top of that, Love, one of your friends, seems to have a really good eye for men. She is a pretty adorable cat I've ever seen. (51) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:45:54 |
【見】 Birdcage WargoHi, everyone. My name is Wargo. Nice to meet you. I'd like to watch this village, and learn English with you. (@5) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:46:57 |
【独】 Birdcage Wargoそういや英語の勉強しようと思っていたので全部灰で翻訳したろかとか思ってたんだけど、アドバイス要らん系の人のは避けるべきなんだろか。 「こうしたらいいよ」ってアドバイスでは全然ないからええんやろか。 (-22) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:51:05 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (52) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:54:23 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>26 Theatre I'm not an evil lamp! prpr >>28 Angelot Yeah. When you need light in the future, here will be Yours-Truly. I'll for good light the way you'll go on. (53) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:56:45 |
【見】 Birdcage WargoI have a question. I'd like to study, so I intended to translate everyone's remarks in the ashes. Is there anyone who doesn't want to be translated? I'm not going to give any advice. (@6) 2020/11/19(Thu) 19:59:39 |
【独】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>36 Nemo The word bloom and her avatar makes me laughing. (-23) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:02:34 |
【見】 Birdcage Wargo (@7) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:03:27 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>@6 Wargo Hey, Wargo. What's up? What you said is really interesting. As far as I'm concerned, feel free to say anything you want. I'm looking forward to seeing it in the epilogue. (54) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:05:59 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi (55) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:10:01 |
【見】 Birdcage Wargo (@9) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:12:14 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head MichaelGood evening, everyone. >>@6 Wargo I don't mind. I'm looking forward to reading your ashes. >>Anode Wow, a colorful TV! (57) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:17:11 |
【独】 Pumpkin Head Michael人狼ゲームを英語でする気はあるんだけれど、雑談するのがめんど……ってなってしまっていけない…… (-24) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:18:48 |
【独】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiForgive me, but I prefer British English to American English, so those of you who usually speak American English feel some of my words strange. (-25) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:20:33 |
【人】 Cat gentry MontagueEveryone I'll take a seat for a while Take this while you can 1Made in Montagu[[food]] 2[[food]]Taste is[[fortune]]Score 3[[allwho]]Made[[food]] [[1d3]] (58) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:21:20 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>58 Montague Thanks, guy. I'll have this: (3)1d3 1. Made in Montagu 芋煮food 2. イギリスパンfood. Taste is 6 Score 3. <<ANODE>>allwho Made シャンピニオンfood. (59) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:24:53 |
【人】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiHmm... delicious. Anode is a good cook, I suppose. By the way, what is the champinion like? (60) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:29:19 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montagueoh......Sorry 1Made in Montagu[[Curry rice or stew]] 2I made dinner[[KARAAGE Bento or omelet]] 3 [[fortune]]ScoresHamburg Sorry. Here (61) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:31:35 |
Montagueは、And come again (a5) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:32:21 |
【人】 Art dealer HarriotGood evening ! Do you purchase some works of art? (62) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:33:24 |
【独】 Art dealer Harriotアイコンは「画商ハリオット」を選択しました。 役職「人狼」を選択したのは、日本語書けるログが欲しかったからです。 (-30) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:37:57 |
【見】 Birdcage Wargo (@10) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:41:09 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague>>62 Harriot Hey, Harriot Is it a business again? Your painting will sell. I'm enthusiastic. Ah, we have rice. Eat up>>61 (63) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:52:42 |
【人】 Art dealer Harriot>>4 Storytelling theatre Wow! Did two wolves love each other? >>5 Yamibuchi I'm excited about this game! Let's have a good game. >>6 Tongari Corn You are unique! We kill the wolves in village,don't we? (65) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:55:08 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (66) 2020/11/19(Thu) 20:56:15 |
【人】 Tongari Corn (68) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:03:26 |
【独】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiI'm very grateful to the heart-eating cat, the village founder. [... takes another swig of beer... no, oil] (-31) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:11:40 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague>>68 Tongari What do you mean?tongari [laughing] (69) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:12:51 |
【人】 Postman MILESHello,every one..... (I'm already tired to read this sentence.) I'm MILES. My job is a postman. Have you got a mail? Have you sent a mail? I'll deliver the letter to anyone. Apply for any letter. [MILES's finger is decorated the TONGARI CORN.....] Let's enjoy life in this village together! (70) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:13:03 |
【人】 Precosious Celeste (71) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:14:24 |
【人】 Precosious Celeste (72) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:17:20 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (73) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:19:01 |
【人】 Art dealer Harriot (74) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:23:04 |
【人】 Postman MILES>>Cat of hart eater Thank you that building this village. I see what you said. I'll be able to write "WANT ADV" in my simple memo!!! (76) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:44:49 |
【人】 Postman MILES>>72 Celeste Why? TONGARI CORN is something like this, isn't it? [Ask Corn and to be surprised] >>73 Montagure Send mail to Mars? Sure! Leave it to me! (77) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:45:18 |
【人】 Art dealer Harriot>>9 Michael Don't cry I give you some candies >>7 Montague I give you some catnips Don't you like it? >>14 Nemo How beautiful you are! >>16 Angelot Nice to meet to you! (78) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:50:50 |
【人】 Postman MILES (79) 2020/11/19(Thu) 21:51:10 |
【人】 Precosious Celeste>>73 Oh,sorry Mr. >>77 No,he is a fake rather, I think. Tongari Corn is just a snack. you're exaggerating... (80) 2020/11/19(Thu) 22:08:08 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head MichaelSmells good! >>61 (1)1d3 1Made in Montagu[[Curry rice or stew]] 2I made dinner[[KARAAGE Bento or omelet]] 3 28ScoresHamburg (81) 2020/11/19(Thu) 22:11:30 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head MichaelI will eat Curry! By the way, are your role requests okay? I think there should be only 11 participants plus Hack'oh. I'm afraid some of you mistook the role request. Please check it. (82) 2020/11/19(Thu) 22:21:14 |
【人】 Vase NemoI'm so sleepy... good night,everyone. see you next day. I think I will have good dream. (84) 2020/11/19(Thu) 22:29:30 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (87) 2020/11/19(Thu) 22:53:48 |
【人】 Cat gentry MontagueMany have come!Fun is good. But I'll be free now.Let's talk tomorrow Have a nice dream![Shake your hand] (89) 2020/11/19(Thu) 22:56:59 |
【人】 Tongari CornWolf eats Tongari Corn at night The wolf then puts it on his finger What you think is claws are actually Tongari Corn I kill the man who put Tongari Corn on his fingers He is the wolf!!! Sleep with one eye open! Have a good night! (90) 2020/11/20(Fri) 1:20:25 |
【独】 Cat gentry MontagueC11か? Good morning everyone Did you sleep well? Thank you for your guestI am Montagu (-40) 2020/11/20(Fri) 6:41:52 |
【人】 Cat gentry MontagueGood morning everyone Did you sleep well? Thank you for your guestI am Montagu Are you hungry? 1Rice omelet 2 Omelette 3 Egg scramble [[1d3]] Eat upplease (91) 2020/11/20(Fri) 7:20:29 |
【独】 Cat gentry Montague/*独り言の顔がいいのと瑞洋館は某国だと視認性の問題でないんですよね。(記憶通りだと) それはそうと顔がいいなぁ……。シャドウさんおりてくるとc12ですよ*/ (-44) 2020/11/20(Fri) 7:37:24 |
【人】 Postman MILESGood morning everyone. You sent a letter? >>87 Montague My name? My name is MIlES. You care that why those are written in uppercase, aren't you? Because it will be easy to find my name! (94) 2020/11/20(Fri) 7:41:01 |
【人】 Postman MILES>>91 Thank you for your consideration. I'm hungry too. 1Rice omelet 2 Omelette 3 Egg scramble (3)1d3 Eat upplease (95) 2020/11/20(Fri) 7:43:15 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague>>94 Miles OK miles、Do you like scrambled eggs? Good! (97) 2020/11/20(Fri) 7:54:25 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague…………ThomasNice to meet you. Was there a place to laugh? Nothing is wrongYou had better refrain from slang (98) 2020/11/20(Fri) 7:58:33 |
【人】 Cat gentry MontagueOh, I'm not angry at all. Don't worry about itSee you later (99) 2020/11/20(Fri) 8:16:34 |
【見】 ERECTORIC BOX ANODE>>55 Thank you, Yammy! Your kindness illuminates me like a candle. Yes, Me is a color TV! Me broadcast fun and educational shows every day! (@13) 2020/11/20(Fri) 9:29:08 |
【見】 ERECTORIC BOX ANODEWow, gentle cats Montague, can Me try your dishes? 1Rice omelet 2 Omelette 3 Egg scramble (3)1d3 yam, yam! (@14) 2020/11/20(Fri) 9:32:01 |
【人】 Storytelling theatre>>65 Yes, they are couple. One day the old female wolf was washing their clothes in the river when a huge corn came tumbling down the stream. (101) 2020/11/20(Fri) 9:33:40 |
【見】 ERECTORIC BOX ANODEYellow! Yellow! it's happy!so, TONGARI is yellow too, Me think. may be he is delicious too! (@15) 2020/11/20(Fri) 9:33:43 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)ピンポンパンポン〜♪ 【業務連絡】 雑談村にて村の掛け持ちに関して質問がありましたので、ご説明いたします。 当村では、地上参加者の他村との掛け持ちは不可ですが、これは本戦同士の日程が被る村の掛け持ちはご連慮頂きたいという意味です。 前村のエピと当村の本戦あるいは当村のエピと次村の本戦が被ってしまう場合は、当村としては問題ありませんので、もう一方の村の判断に従って下さい。 よろしくお願いします。 (#14) 2020/11/20(Fri) 9:36:48 |
【見】 ERECTORIC BOX ANODE>>100 What is 4K? Me showed the presentation about 4K many times, but Me don't know which is meself...... (@16) 2020/11/20(Fri) 9:37:37 |
【見】 ERECTORIC BOX ANODE>>#15 OKEY,OKEY, thank you the announce and another everything! (@18) 2020/11/20(Fri) 9:41:24 |
【見】 ERECTORIC BOX ANODE>>90 My friends showed funny style with Tongari Corn on ME.... Were they werewolves? How terrible! Me is no guilty! Because Me don't have fingers, I wish you find your Enemies! (@19) 2020/11/20(Fri) 9:48:33 |
【人】 Tongari CornHow do you say tamago kake gohan in English? Egg on rice? (103) 2020/11/20(Fri) 10:12:56 |
【見】 Imaginary empty priest T.B.I HAVE A PEN I HAVE A CORN Mmmm... Ah... CORN PEN! (@20) 2020/11/20(Fri) 10:14:18 |
【独】 Pumpkin Head MichaelImaginary empty priestって虚無僧かwww 虚無僧の英訳例調べてみたら、komusoでいいらしい あとはa wandering priestとか? (-46) 2020/11/20(Fri) 10:27:08 |
【人】 Vase NemoHELLO! It's difficult for me to read someone's emotion from writing in English. (107) 2020/11/20(Fri) 10:46:16 |
【見】 Imaginary empty priest T.B. (@23) 2020/11/20(Fri) 11:15:46 |
【見】 Imaginary empty priest T.B.>>@20 I HAVE A PEN I HAVE A TONGARI Mmmm... Ah... TONGARI PEN! CORN PEN... TONGARI PEN... Ah! PEN TONGARI CORN PEN!!! (@25) 2020/11/20(Fri) 11:26:15 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>62 Harriot Hi there! I'd like oil paintings like van Gogh. Do you have any recommendation? >>64 Celeste Are you okay? Take them. [... gives Celeste some Tongari corns from his fingertips after making sure that Tongari Corn is not there.] (109) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:12:32 |
【独】 Cat gentry Montague@Want to talk Marron tart A[[color]]Sandwich B[[color]]CandyandMeat pie CJapanese rice balls[[1d6]] [[1d4]] (-49) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:16:59 |
【人】 Cat gentry MontagueHey GUYSandLady Let's have lunch. @Want to talk Marron tart A[[color]]Sandwich B[[color]]CandyandMeat pie CJapanese rice balls[[1d6]] [[1d4]] Eat up please (110) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:19:54 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>110 Montague Hi, Montague. Thanks for preparing meals. I'll take this one: (1)1d4. @ Want to talk Marron tart A 青緑color Sandwich B 緑みの青color Candy and Meat pie C Japanese rice balls (4)1d6 (111) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:27:41 |
【人】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiA tart is one of my favourite sweets. Of course, I'm going to eat it up. Hmm... Tastes good! Thanks. [... is eating a piece of marron tart sipping a cup of tea.] (112) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:31:45 |
【独】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiOMG. I completely forgot the fact I said the lamp man eats and drinks only oil! Well, what else is new? hehe (-51) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:36:38 |
【人】 Cat gentry Montague (113) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:41:57 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>70 Miles Good afternoon, Miles. Urr... may I ask you a favour? [... holds a few envelopes, each of which is sealed by red wax and a heart-shaped stamp.] (114) 2020/11/20(Fri) 13:46:34 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>83 Nemo Don't be sorry, Ma'am. You really don't have to take anything I say seriously. Yet, I swear to speak the honest truth now. Listen, my lady, this is it: You are my inspiration. I can see a world in your eye, and a heaven in your flower. (115) 2020/11/20(Fri) 14:05:54 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>@11 T.B. Howdy, T.B. I just thought the bar you're holding was a flute, or whatever. How about the pen? The passage from >>@11 to >>85 really made me laugh. (116) 2020/11/20(Fri) 14:13:27 |
【独】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiDo you know why this lamp head is trying to make a pass at ladies? Me? I don't know. That's where things stand. (-55) 2020/11/20(Fri) 14:19:11 |
【独】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiJust before I took part in this village, I wondered whether I'd play a role of a rapper. Yo! Yo! Everybody. Check it up, yo! The Lamp in the house, man! ... Okay. I've said everything I wanted to say. (-56) 2020/11/20(Fri) 14:56:39 |
【人】 Storytelling theatreI apologize to everyone. I live in two villages in several days. So,I change jobs from fighter to Cheer Captain. Good Luck! (117) 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:06:40 |
【見】 Imaginary empty priest T.B.>>116 Hi Yamibuchi, Do you think it's flute? No! Actually it's a long TOPPO equipped with pen! From that point of view, the TOPPO is quite good! Filled with chocolate at the very end! (@26) 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:11:28 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi (118) 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:18:03 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>@26 T.B. Yeah, TOPPO is awful compared to everything else in the world! By the way, do you want some POCKY? [... takes a small box of POCKIES from his pocket.] (119) 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:37:19 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head MichaelI was confused. Excuse me, >>82 was wrong. No one mistook it. I wonder the last participant will come before 20 o'clock. (120) 2020/11/20(Fri) 15:43:34 |
Montagueは、... Fluffy (a6) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:07:04 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague>>115 Yamibuchi Didn't you do your best? I hope she smiles As a friend ... I'm full of heart. >>Theater oh......Sorry, but enjoy this village (121) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:11:13 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague>>120 Michael HMM... There is a way to move the seat Or many advertisements.Do you like this fun Village (122) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:15:31 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)ピンポンパンポン〜♪ 【業務連絡】 いくつかお知らせがあります。 ・投票を間違えて無記名投票に設定してしまっていたので、記名投票に直しました。 ・1名事情により見学席に移動されましたので地上はダミー含め11人となりますが、万が一このまま地上最後の1人が入村されない場合でも、予定通り20時に村を開始したいと思います。その場合当初の予定より人数が大幅に変わってしまい申し訳ありません。 なお、この際役職内訳は ※ダミー含め地上11人時: ダミー、村×4、占、霊、狩、狼×2、C国狂人 ※ダミー含め地上10人時: ダミー、村×4、占、霊、狼×2、C国狂人 となります。 (#16) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:38:04 |
心臓を喰らうねこ(村建て人)【業務連絡続き】 ・地上への入村が間に合わない方が出た場合、村開始後でも見学として参加できますので、本戦が始まってから参加者が増えても驚かないで下さい(増えた参加者は見学者です)。 ・本日20時村開始ですが、三日月国では更新時間以外では手動での開始になることに気付いていませんでした。ですので開始時間が若干前後する可能性がありますので、その点ご了承下さい(明日7時まで沈黙時間なので影響は無いと思いますが)。 以上、混乱を招いて申し訳ありませんが、よろしくお願いします。 それでは開始までもう少々お待ちください。 (#17) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:39:40 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague>>Heavenly voice OK、I'm all right Everyone is surely safe. (123) 2020/11/20(Fri) 16:46:08 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael>>#16 >>#17 That's okay, thank you very much. >>122 Montague Is there anyone can move the seat...? Oh, yes, I'm enjoying to read your chats. I'm not good at chatting. I think I can talk when the debate will be started. (124) 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:21:01 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi (125) 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:33:46 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague (126) 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:38:53 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>126 Montague Did you happen to take what Michael said wrongly? I can't find any sentence where he said something about hesitation in joining the game. (128) 2020/11/20(Fri) 17:47:54 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueReturned >>128 Yamibuchi What are you talking about I just told Michael that I should get people together ... What is hesitating ...? He'll be looking forward to the game and I'm looking forward to the game too (129) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:06:59 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueWant to move the seat?So he, she? Because Michaelsaid (席を移動する、?って?ってMichaelが云うから、>>126Just showing the idea) /*プロエピはOKらしいので悪しからず*/ (130) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:11:03 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueMe and youYou're looking forward to playing the game. Did you understand?OK? (131) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:12:39 |
【人】 Pumpkin Head Michael>>126 Montague Excuse me, I didn't understand what you meant. I just wondered that there was any watcher could participate in the debate. I don't have intention of forcing anyone to do anything. (132) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:18:46 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague (133) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:23:08 |
【人】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiWell.. I thought you suggested Michael should move his seat to the background, HAKASHITA. He has no intention of moving his seat, but was just worried whether or not there was someone who wrongly joined this village as KEMBUTSUNIN, though he was going to join as a fighter. Yet, anyway, now I know what you meant and that everything's going to be alright. Thank you. (134) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:29:06 |
【独】 Cat Gentry MontagueI misunderstood I'm sorry. And in your story, I understood. Michael's story and your story Thank you for sharing me Let's enjoy each other (-66) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:37:30 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueI misunderstood I'm sorry. And in your story, I understood. Michael's story and your story Thank you for sharing me Let's enjoy each other Sorry、andThank you for everyone (135) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:39:06 |
Montagueは、See you later** (a7) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:47:47 |
【独】 Pumpkin Head Michaelなんかいろいろ誤解発生してるぽくて申し訳なさあるなー move the seatは(見物人に)変更したらって話かと思っていたが…… おれは「見物人から参加に変更できる人いるかな?」って言ったつもりだった>>124 (-67) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:55:57 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueLater I'll tell you the time to come ■Time to come ■Not comingTime I'll keep your letter. Freely (136) 2020/11/20(Fri) 18:58:49 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueAnswer me. □Time to come →Morning、Until 9 Lunch time 13ー14 Evening Until 17 It is 24 o'clock at night □Not coming 2 hours from 9 pm on November25 (137) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:16:24 |
【人】 Cat Gentry MontagueIf you don't understandIf you listen, I will answer** (138) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:17:26 |
Montagueは、See you later** (a8) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:17:48 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi (140) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:45:12 |
【人】 The Streetlamp Yamibuchi>>136 Thanks for giving us topics! ■ On holidays; I can come here unless I'm asleep or doing some chores. On weekdays; morning(seven to nine), and evening(seven to twelve). ■Not coming Time; excluding the time stated above. (141) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:54:30 |
【独】 The Streetlamp YamibuchiEverything moves so fast. In another 4 minutes the prologue ends. I'm looking forward to starting the game! (-69) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:56:48 |
【人】 Cat Gentry Montague (142) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:58:02 |
【人】 Shy Girl AngelotS-some people came while I wasn't seated. Nice to meet you. Let's enjoy! (143) 2020/11/20(Fri) 19:59:12 |
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